What do you call a researcher with learning disabilities? Most people call them a 'co-researcher'. We think that's OK as long everyone doing the research is called a co-researcher. But if you have 'the researcher' working with 'the co-researcher', it's like saying only one of them is a real researcher. We often hear people talking about the researcher and the co-researcher. It's like having a Chair and a Co-chair, rather than two Co-chairs. That annoys us because if you don't need them both then why have them both in the team? And if you do need them both, why give one a higher status just because the knowledge and experience they bring is different? So rather than using the term co-researcher, we prefer to say academic researcher and activist researcher. When they do research together we might call them both co-researchers if we need to, but usually we would talk about them co-researching. Researching together is an activity, not an identity...