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Drill Wales Roadshows

Drill Wales Roadshows- Alan Armstrong (Barod Worker)

We went to Cardiff to Disability Wales meeting. The point of the meeting was to do with research that people could put in the bids to get money for research.

How did I find the day?

I found it interesting but very long day. Some of the information they gave is okay but could have been done better it had a lot of jargon. It was very easy to talk to people in groups.
Anne’s talk about co working research was very interesting.

What next?

I think it would be good to have a day to get skills to put in a bid.
It would be good if there is a day like this. Barod could put in a bid for a research work shop so that we could have a day with people we work with and can learn how to coproduce and so that people can learn to how to put in for bids of research.
I think that we need to think about what we want to research before trying to do research work. I learnt this when I went in front of Mars research group.
I think it would be much easier and people would learn a lot from the day. I’ve done research myself and think you need to give people who do research what information they need so they could go get on with their projects of research. You need to think about what you want to do so you can think about how projects of research can be joint together with academics. They can work on talking coproducing with disabled people and people with learning difficulties and people in the past have had mental health problems. So when they are ready they can make this research work and more people will have the information they need. whatever they researching on in the future so that people will get the right knowledge of what research help is out there for everyone so that when they put in for a bid they will have the right information and they will be successful in their bid.
This covers a lot of things of research, could be everyday lives health and well-being could be about where everyday lives go pear-shaped, could be about time banking on website for academics and people with disability or on life in their communities or about people and their relationships in their lives the family and friends. Relationships could be partners, boyfriend girlfriend, marriages or could be about people’s race religion or research into how to get people back into work as people with a disability people with mental health problems in the past have in them to get back into work there could be young or old to fit back in their communities, in their local areas, in their towns and in their cities. And one day become part of the community of life so that all people mix race and people with a disability for everyone can have the same opportunity as everyone, can have opportunity of employment whatever they are from, leaving school at 16 and to whatever age all. People over 60 are still can have the same choices as everyone in UK. People from all walks of life whatever their backgrounds and wherever they are from in Europe or the UK even in the world should have no barriers and the same opportunities whatever line of work. That could be working in a supermarket working in an office too. I’m saying anyone can work however their skills their talents could be the third sector to anyone to the council and their own business to Parliament.

Drill Wales Roadshow Simon Rice (Barod Worker)

Last Wednesday, we attended a roadshow in Cardiff University regarding Disability Learning Wales. It was about people who apply for bids to do research, and what goes on in co-production workshops. I have attended many meetings before, but none of them were about the co-production between Academics and people/groups who use and provide services.

How did I find the day?

Although it was a long day, I found it quite interesting because this is the first time I’ve attended this sort of meeting/workshop and gave me an insight to what sort of work goes on in other organisations and co-production between these said groups and Academics

What next?

Hopefully, I will attend more of these meetings to gain a better understanding what works that go on as well as what will happen in the future.
I volunteer in an advocacy agency called Carmarthenshire People First and with the works I do within the agency as well as with other groups and organisations, it could be of some use to help make others understand the needs and wants of people who uses services, as well as bringing what I’ve learnt on the day back to the groups that are held within our organisation.


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